Change to dark mode

Polyboard is an app that allows you to store upto 10 things in the clipboard simultaneously! As an avid coder, I've always wished for the ability to store multiple items inside the clipboard at once for efficiency and accessibility, so I tasked myself with the job of creating said program. By the time I was half way through, I discovered that Windows already had such a function build into its OS (press win + v), but I had made too much progress so I decided to continue anyway, and now I'm here.

My program is more streamlined for the average user, due to 2 main features that I've added:

Anyways, download link is at the bottom of the page!

NOTE: Currently only works with text. Image compatibility coming soon!

How to Use It

Step 1:
Extract the zip file

Step 2:
Run the 'Polyboard.exe' file

Step 3:
Open the system tray, right click the clipboard icon and choose 'Start Application'

Step 4:
Copy up to 10 text items using the 'Ctrl+c' keyboard shortcut

Step 5:
Move any of the 10 items you copied to the active clipboard using the keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl+shift+int', where int is any integer from 0-9

Step 6:
Paste the selected item as many times as you like using 'Ctrl+v'

Some code

Press and Release Detection:
def on_press(key):
	vk = get_vk(key) #gets virtual key (

	for combination in combination_to_function:
		if is_combination_pressed(combination): #checks if specific key combination is pressed

def on_release(key):
	vk = get_vk(key)
	pressed_vks.remove(vk) #removes combination from set of currently pressed keys

with Listener(on_press=on_press, on_release=on_release) as listener:

System Tray GUI:
app = QApplication([])

icon = QIcon("final.png")

tray = QSystemTrayIcon() #creates a system tray object

menu = QMenu() #adding menu options to the system tray object
option1 = QAction("Start application")
option1.triggered.connect(start) #runs 'start' function when option is selected

quit = QAction("Quit application")
quit.triggered.connect(app.quit) #closes app when option is selected


app.exec_() #running the GUI loop

Download the Program Here:

About the Developer

Created by: Arnav Jagetia

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License Information

Copyright 2020 Arnav Jagetia
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.Information availible at LICENSE_WEBSITE

© Arnav Jagetia 2020